Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard - Vessel 11

Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard

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For the daredevils of Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard, rock ‘n’ roll is a religion without a god. From raw primal rock in the style of AC/DC, fiery glam rock, artistic Britpop to frenzied garage rock; the band led by Tom Rees devours it all as if it were an extensive buffet. Freedom and bravado take center stage, to the point where even the staunchest skeptic gets swept up in the pure madness. Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard proves that there’s plenty of life left in rock music. Whether it’s the fresh, contemporary approach to familiar influences or Rees’s disarming self-assured humor. In Tom’s own words: “It’s a feeling of faith but without the heavy hand of some authority pressing down on you. And that feeling, mimicked during a show, is one of the strongest senses of family I’ve ever felt in my life. You feel so connected to each other and everyone you see through the shared identity of the music.” The band released their latest, extremely gritty single “Therapy” at the end of October 2023, and it leaves a taste for more of this delicious sound.







02 - April, 2024



Deuren open



Including service fee

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